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How to Learn Django: A Beginner’s Guide

Learning Django will provide you with the ability to use ready-made code to create quality web applications. This handy tool for web apps will boost your web development and data science skills, and it is entirely free to use.

All you will need to learn Django is some Python basics, a learning plan, and some great tutorials. No need to panic, as this article will guide you through all of that and more to get you on the right track to becoming an app development and web design pro.

What Is Django?

Django is a tool used by web developers to create their apps quicker. In technical terms, Django is a free, open-source web application framework written in the Python language. This means that Django is like a skeleton structure you can use to build the foundations of your application, saving you time and money.

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When building an app, there are usually similar components that you will need to use each time. Components like a management panel, user authentication, forms, or uploading files. This is where Django comes in to speed up the process. Instead of re-writing the code for these similar components, you can apply the framework.

What Is Django Used For?

Django has been used to create the backend of many popular tech companies like Pinterest, Udemy, Spotify, Dropbox, and even the early days of Instagram. It is essentially an easy-to-use framework that provides common security features and the necessary structure when starting to build your new site.

Rapid Development

Django enables rapid development, meaning it quickens the process of creating a secure, pragmatic, maintainable, and well-designed web application. It’s not that Django replaces learning python or other coding languages, but it does help you create more, and create faster.

Front End and Backend

You can apply this web framework to both front end and backend development if used alongside JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It helps any developer focus on writing code that will make their creation stand out without reinventing the wheel on the primary code structures. It also provides data scientists room to have either skill too.

Run Applications on Cloud

Since gaining popularity as a framework, cloud platforms have quickly incorporated Django web capabilities into their cloud services. Therefore, also making it great for cloud application developers and web developers.

Learn Django: Step-by-Step

For those who are unfamiliar with Django, here is a guide to help you. Take your learning one step at a time and then take some online courses to get yourself certified.

A key tip with learning anything; learn the basics and practice them until you can do it with your eyes closed, just figuratively in this case, and then move onto the next step.

1. Programming Languages

As with all programming tools, you will need to start with learning programming languages. Although Django runs on Python, this does not mean you need to be a Python expert. You will need to know the basics of Python, but really, knowing any coding language will still be beneficial and there will be some cross over. 

There are plenty of resources to learn to code, check out this article to find ways to learn to code for free.

2. Install Django

Begin by installing Django and trying it; learning it will become easier once you familiarize yourself with it. Go to the Python website and install the latest version or the version that works with your operating system. Then you can start to create a database (if that is what you are using it for) or begin to use the code editor to start creating.

3. Django Models

Models are an excellent tool for building a database or a table, you can create models using the Dreamreal model. To put it simply, this model looks like a list of information that has been neatly arranged into a table. 

4. Form Processing

A form-class is a significant next step to learn. This will create a fill-out form, a form that can be found on the majority of applications. It is a somewhat similar process to creating a model, making it easy to understand and a fantastic tool for Django developers.

5. Try Some Tutorials

Whether you are looking for a certification course or beginner Django tutorials, there are plenty of options below. The best way to learn will depend on what you are looking for, most people will prefer video instruction, but some prefer written tutorials. Either way, we have got you covered with a range of options, including free and paid courses.

6. Create A Project

Once you have completed some courses, it’s time to start using the framework in all of its glory, exploring all the different ways it can benefit your application creation. Professional developers built this tool intending to make it more simple, flexible, and scalable.

The Best Django Courses

typing hands-on MacBook Pro
Learn the Django basics for free with online resources.

When you have prepared some background knowledge and got some basic python under your belt, it is time to take some courses and tutorials. The internet has everything you need to begin your learning journey towards easier app building. 

LinkedIn Learning: Learn Django (2018 edition)

Get a Linkedin certification in Django and begin building your first project. Students will learn about data models, querying, URL handlers, and templates necessary to develop an outstanding app.

Free Code Camp: Django

Free Code Camp is a fantastic resource for those wanting to learn Django or all things coding. Learn through written tutorials on how to create a Django project, an analytics dashboard, Python, and much more.

Django Girls: What is Django?

Django Girls is another written learn-as-you-go tutorial. What makes it different is that you can learn about the more in-depth concepts in an easy-to-read form as you go. It is free to use and you can ask questions on the website if you are getting stuck on a topic.

Udemy: Django Web Developer (Bootcamp)

This Udemy course will teach you how to create apps with Python 3 and Django. They also go over some front end technologies, including HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This course will explore topics like HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, Python, Rest APIs, Django templates, forms, Django admin customization, and more.

Udacity: Full Stack Foundations

In this fantastic Udacity course, students can learn about more than just Django. They will also get to learn everything it takes to be a full stack developer, from Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), CRUD operations, Flask, Ruby on Rails, Django, and build your apps. It is the perfect intermediate course for those looking to be taught by professionals, without costing anything but your time.

UC Berkeley Extention: Django

UC Berkeley offers great tutorials on the Django framework and Python for beginners. Learn how to complete tasks involved with content management and web development projects. In these articles, students can learn population scripts, URL mapping, form validation, regular expressions, decorators, modules, and more.

Coding Nomads: Learn Django Online

This course is perfect for those looking for the whole package from beginner to advanced in Django. Learn to use the Django tools, like VSCode Editor, Python, Github, sqlite3, Postman, and more. Then move onto more advanced concepts like MVC, Django’s templating language, dynamic URL linking, Bootstrap, customizing the admin interface, writing automated tests, handling static files, and more.

Obey The Testing Goat: Basics of Test-Driven Development & Django

Despite the humorous name of the website, and the occasional images of goats, this is a comprehensive guide to using Django. The book was written by a hacking and software engineer professional and this website offers great Django testing tips and tutorials.

ProTech: Django Bootcamp

This is one of the best in-person bootcamps for Python developers for building full stack applications using the Django framework. Learn to create models, controllers, views, administration, authentication, form processing, etc. 

Is Learning Django Right for You?

Learning Django is right for you if you are a web application developer who wants to save time, create scalability, and do so for free. It is also for you if you are a data scientist who wants to create databases to extract valuable insights quickly and effectively. It is a very valuable tool, much like jQuery is for Javascript, Django is for Python coded apps.

Now that you have a rough plan of attack, begin to learn Django in the way that best suits you, and start creating your projects. Follow the free tutorials, learn the basics, and take a comprehensive certification course to boost your skills and your employability.

If you are interested in learning more about the difference between a software engineer vs a data scientist or front end vs backend web development, then the team at Computer Science Hero has these wonderful articles for you.

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