software development Tag

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Soft Skills: How to Develop Well-Rounded Software Developers

Despite one’s initial job description, in any working environment, there will always be two sides of the story: the expected technical aspect of one’s work, and the one that usually sneaks up on you if you work at all with other humans—so-called ‘soft skills’, or people skills, if you will. While technology may grow obsolete, your soft skills will be with

two male software developers working

Improve Your Telecommuting Productivity

That didn’t take long. A March 30, 2020 survey by Gartner indicates 3 out of 4 CFOs want to shift 5-20% of their employees to permanent telecommute positions. After a month of working from home themselves, it’s likely more CFOs will want more positions permanently outside of the office. That’s not a decision that’ll come from a wild guess about

Three men standing over a computer at an office

Benefits of a Software Development Apprenticeship

Apprentices have been around for decades. They mostly follow an approach of training younger generations a specific trade through on-the-job training. It may seem that apprenticeships are for days gone by, but that is not the case. Industries today still use apprenticeships to advance knowledge for young professionals, and the same is true for the tech industry.  Large tech companies such

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